United Shale Advocates®

United Shale Advocates (USA) is an online neighborhood for committed advocates of shale gas and those who want to learn more about the industry. And like a neighborhood where people share ideas, information and stories, our online community will work best when everyone is talking with one another.  Start with one action in our advocacy center, and then follow your progress as you become one of the leading advocates of USA.

Become a Shale Advocate today and join the movement!

Questions?  Contact Us.

Take Action

You can take action to support natural gas development by clicking on any of the active campaigns on this website. Each campaign provides a descriptor of the issue and directs you to a draft email that you can send to lend your support for industry. Your voice is critical to ensuring the long-term growth of clean burning, low cost, American produced energy.

A pro-growth, pro-energy economy is America’s key to energy security and economic prosperity. Join United Shale Advocates® and take action to support America’s energy future.

Engagement 101

American shale gas development has improved the lives of all Americans. Join us in advocating for the movement that has transformed our economy, our environment, and our future.

Looking to connect with decision makers in the region? Check out the Marcellus Shale Coalition®