MSC on 2018 outlook: “We remain cautiously optimistic about
MSC on 2018 outlook: “We remain cautiously optimistic about the year ahead as we’re seeing greater opportunities fo…
RT @PghBizTimes: Hear from @MarcellusGas’s leader about wher
RT @PghBizTimes: Hear from @MarcellusGas’s leader about where he thinks the region’s #energy industry is headed in 2018, via @PBT_Paul: …
FACT: Investments in pipelines are putting tens of thousands
FACT: Investments in pipelines are putting tens of thousands of laborers and steamfitters across Pa. to work.…
Natural gas development helps Pennsylvanians stay warm for l
Natural gas development helps Pennsylvanians stay warm for less this winter. #NatGasWorks
VIDEO: We have generational economic and environmental oppor
VIDEO: We have generational economic and environmental opportunities ahead of us thanks to our abundant supplies of…
RT @PghBizTimes: What’s ahead for the #energy industry in th
RT @PghBizTimes: What’s ahead for the #energy industry in the region? @PBT_Paul looks at how how big moves from @eqt …
RT @WSJ: A glut of gas flowing out of U.S. shale fields is f
RT @WSJ: A glut of gas flowing out of U.S. shale fields is fueling a power plant construction boom
In the past three years, 8.7 gigawatts of natural gas-fired
In the past three years, 8.7 gigawatts of natural gas-fired capacity have been added on the PJM grid. An additional… …
“Our industry takes its commitment to operating in a safe an
“Our industry takes its commitment to operating in a safe and responsible manner seriously, which is demonstrated b…
RT @ENERGY: What are Natural Gas Liquids and how are they us
RT @ENERGY: What are Natural Gas Liquids and how are they used? Check out our new primer about the potential …
U.S. liquefied natural gas exports are already having an imp
U.S. liquefied natural gas exports are already having an important impact on lessening Russia’s control over Europe…
The sharp growth is one result of the #fracking enabled prod
The sharp growth is one result of the #fracking enabled production surge that’s helping to transform the U.S into a… …
A Penn State University study concludes methane leakage emis
A Penn State University study concludes methane leakage emissions from natural gas wells & infrastructure in the Ma…
WATCH: Abundant, affordable #natgas presents Pa. with genera
WATCH: Abundant, affordable #natgas presents Pa. with generational opportunities. #NatGasWorks
Franklin Co. Commissioners use “$110,000 from Marcellus Shal
Franklin Co. Commissioners use “$110,000 from Marcellus Shale tax monies” to support area trail construction projec…
Plans for a #natgas power plant “just cleared a big environm
Plans for a #natgas power plant “just cleared a big environmental hurdle, a move local leaders hope will bring them… …
RT @EIAgov: U.S. liquefied natural gas exports have increase
RT @EIAgov: U.S. liquefied natural gas exports have increased as new facilities come online #LNG #energytrade #expo…
Thanks to #natgas, generational economic and environmental o
Thanks to #natgas, generational economic and environmental opportunities are ahead. WATCH and share our 2017 year-i…
New Greene Co. #natgas power plant will be “one of the clean
New Greene Co. #natgas power plant will be “one of the cleanest gas plants in the country.”…