RT @AmChemistry: U.S. Chemical Industry Investment Linked to
RT @AmChemistry: U.S. Chemical Industry Investment Linked to Shale Gas Reaches $200 Billion “This is an exciting…
RT @NatGasCouncil: When bad weather has struck, #natgas has
RT @NatGasCouncil: When bad weather has struck, #natgas has been #reliable ! Be sure to check out the full @NatGasCouncil …
RT @AmericanLegion: Today, we pause to remember those whose
RT @AmericanLegion: Today, we pause to remember those whose lives were lost during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorists attacks in …
.@dcexaminer column: “When bad weather has struck, natural g
.@dcexaminer column: “When bad weather has struck, natural gas has been completely reliable” #natgasworks
RT @realDonaldTrump: Departing Washington, D.C. to attend a
RT @realDonaldTrump: Departing Washington, D.C. to attend a Flight 93 September 11th Memorial Service in Shanksville, Pennsylvania with Mel…
RT @GovernorTomWolf: Today marks the 17th anniversary of Sep
RT @GovernorTomWolf: Today marks the 17th anniversary of September 11, 2001. In Pennsylvania, we gather in Shanksville to honor the …
RT @NYPDnews: Today our @twitter account is dedicated to rem
RT @NYPDnews: Today our @twitter account is dedicated to remembering our brothers and sisters who fell on September 11, 2001, …
RT @CNBC: Natural gas will overtake oil to become North Amer
RT @CNBC: Natural gas will overtake oil to become North America’s ‘single largest energy source’ this year, risk management firm …
RT @CitizensVoice:
RT @CitizensVoice:
ICYMI: Pennsylvania produced record amounts of #natgas in 20
ICYMI: Pennsylvania produced record amounts of #natgas in 2017, while maintaining a strong 95% regulatory complianc…
RT @WNEP: POWER TO SAVE: The future is now for mass transit
RT @WNEP: POWER TO SAVE: The future is now for mass transit in Luzerne County. Two new buses on the …
.@RepBillJohnson & @RepGeneGreen in @thehill: “America h
.@RepBillJohnson & @RepGeneGreen in @thehill: “America has this incredible source of energy at our fingertips – let…
“This is the wave of the future, you know, car manufacturers
“This is the wave of the future, you know, car manufacturers are making more and more vehicles that run on …
RT @HouseCommerce: ICYMI: @RepBillJohnson and @RepGeneGreen:
RT @HouseCommerce: ICYMI: @RepBillJohnson and @RepGeneGreen: “Bipartisan Support for LNG Export Certainty” via @thehill >>…
“Electricity producers cut their emissions of carbon dioxide
“Electricity producers cut their emissions of carbon dioxide, by relying more on natural gas, a cleaner, more effic…
“Unconventional operators still maintained a ‘strong’ 95% co
“Unconventional operators still maintained a ‘strong’ 95% compliance rate given the record number of inspections,”…
With grants from @EQTCorp, a Charleroi “eyesore” has been tr
With grants from @EQTCorp, a Charleroi “eyesore” has been transformed into a new park and “community treasure.”…
“Natural gas impact fees continue to help pay part of the re
“Natural gas impact fees continue to help pay part of the rental rehabilitation of apartments in” Williamsport.…
Natural gas impact fee revenues to cover costs of new park b
Natural gas impact fee revenues to cover costs of new park benches and tables put up at Robert’s Grove and …
“As an industry deeply committed to safety above all else, w
“As an industry deeply committed to safety above all else, we’re very pleased with this 95 percent regulatory compl…