RT @PennLive: When government meddles, bad things happen htt
RT @PennLive: When government meddles, bad things happen
Top Medical Experts: “No Known Lifestyle or Environmental
Top Medical Experts: “No Known Lifestyle or Environmental Causes” for Rare Childhood Cancer. Learn more from indepe…
RT @njspotlight: Opinion: Let’s re-examine New Jersey’s
RT @njspotlight: Opinion: Let’s re-examine New Jersey’s energy policy: It’s time for our elected officials to wake up and see …
.@IUOE825 business manager Greg Lalevee: “Natural gas pipeli
.@IUOE825 business manager Greg Lalevee: “Natural gas pipeline projects are more important than ever” and “directly…
.@WhiteHouse planning to roll out an executive order next we
.@WhiteHouse planning to roll out an executive order next week that aims to cut regulations, spur interstate pipeli…
With funding from the #natgas impact tax, “a revamped Graul
With funding from the #natgas impact tax, “a revamped Graul Amphitheater in Greenville is closer to reality.”…
RT @EIAgov: #TodayInEnergy – #California imports the most #e
RT @EIAgov: #TodayInEnergy – #California imports the most #electricity from other states; #Pennsylvania exports the most…
RT @PAManufacturers: New England *needs* Pennsylvania’s #nat
RT @PAManufacturers: New England *needs* Pennsylvania’s #natgas #TimeToBuild
“The supply of natural gas that can be the basis of alternat
“The supply of natural gas that can be the basis of alternative fuels has been increasing, due to the discovery …
Must-read @projo editorial: “Blocking new pipelines accompli
Must-read @projo editorial: “Blocking new pipelines accomplishes little but raise energy prices. And, because it pr…
JKLM Energy grants funds to support the Coudersport Youth Wr
JKLM Energy grants funds to support the Coudersport Youth Wrestling Club via @potterleader
“The good news is that most of the repair money will be from
“The good news is that most of the repair money will be from ‘Act 13,’ the impact fee from the …
RT @CabotOG: Ben Whitaker, Cabot production foreman, graduat
RT @CabotOG: Ben Whitaker, Cabot production foreman, graduated from @LCMarcellusPNG & puts what he learned in the classroom to good …
RT @IERenergy: The United States is clearly leading the worl
RT @IERenergy: The United States is clearly leading the world in advances in drilling technologies and production capabilities. Our energy…
Program director for @LackawannaEDU’s School of Petroleum an
Program director for @LackawannaEDU’s School of Petroleum and Natural Gas “expects all of her May graduates to have…
Beaver Co. Commissioner @CampDaniel3 testifies before U.S. H
Beaver Co. Commissioner @CampDaniel3 testifies before U.S. House committee: “Today, energy drives our economy.”…
.@PurdueUnivNews research team has developed a two-step proc
.@PurdueUnivNews research team has developed a two-step process to convert shale natural gas to liquid fuels such a…
RT @PA_PUC: April is Safe Digging Month. Remember to call at
RT @PA_PUC: April is Safe Digging Month. Remember to call at least 3 days before you dig in your yard …
Camp said his testimony will focus on “the economic developm
Camp said his testimony will focus on “the economic development that the natural gas industry has brought to Beaver…
RT @ftenergy: Why you should work in oil and gas https://t.c
RT @ftenergy: Why you should work in oil and gas