
Jim Snell of @420Steamfitters: “Pipeline workers live and ra

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

Jim Snell of @420Steamfitters: “Pipeline workers live and raise their families here, and they take great pride goin…

America’s oil & gas abundance can help provide an opport

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

America’s oil & gas abundance can help provide an opportunity for Belarus to achieve the “sovereignty” and “indepen…

.@PAChamber in @PennCapitalStar: Additional and higher energ

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

.@PAChamber in @PennCapitalStar: Additional and higher energy taxes “will create significant burdens on job creator…

#SuperBowlLIV: brought to you by America’s clean, abundant

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

#SuperBowlLIV: brought to you by America’s clean, abundant #natgas supply. 🏈

Smart insights from @WashCoChamberPA in @oronline on the imp

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

Smart insights from @WashCoChamberPA in @oronline on the importance of building safe, reliable energy infrastructur…

“Pennsylvania could lose more than 600,000 jobs and roughly

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

“Pennsylvania could lose more than 600,000 jobs and roughly $261 billion over the next five years if a national ban… …

.@reviewjournal editorial: “Those concerned about global war

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

.@reviewjournal editorial: “Those concerned about global warming should…focus on practical tools — like natural g…

RT @pgopinions: Projects create jobs, grow unions https://t.

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

RT @pgopinions: Projects create jobs, grow unions

Marcellus & Utica shale plays are projected to drive U.S

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

Marcellus & Utica shale plays are projected to drive U.S. #natgas production growth. via @EIAgov 📈

Marcellus & Utica shale plays are projected to drive U.S

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

Marcellus & Utica shale plays are projected to drive U.S. #natgas production growth. Natural Gas.pdf via @EIAgov 📈

New @globalenergy report: Pennsylvania could lose 600,000+ j

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

New @globalenergy report: Pennsylvania could lose 600,000+ jobs & roughly $261B from a #fracking ban. “Over the p…

RT @globalenergy: If such a ban were to be adopted, it would

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

RT @globalenergy: If such a ban were to be adopted, it would force our country to surrender the enormous domestic …

RT @PAManufacturers: Congratulations to @PennEast for expand

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

RT @PAManufacturers: Congratulations to @PennEast for expanding delivery of PA energy to PA consumers! #TimeToBuild @PAllies4Energy https:…

RT @NewCastleNews: Hickory Run Energy Station is on course f

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

RT @NewCastleNews: Hickory Run Energy Station is on course for its projected April opening. Brock Shealy, chief administrative officer for…

“The 1,000 megawatt natural-gas powered station situated in

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

“The 1,000 megawatt natural-gas powered station situated in North Beaver Township will provide efficient, clean and…

If the safe, responsible use of hydraulic fracturing were ba

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

If the safe, responsible use of hydraulic fracturing were banned, Pa. would shed 600,000 jobs and lose $261 billion…

RT @lehighvalley: Stymied in N.J., PennEast proposes buildin

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

RT @lehighvalley: Stymied in N.J., PennEast proposes building gas pipeline only into Lehigh Valley for now https://…

Great @lehighvalley letter: “A severance tax could mean terr

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

Great @lehighvalley letter: “A severance tax could mean terrible things for our state — increased energy costs, los…

“Because wind and solar are easily disrupted by weather, the

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

“Because wind and solar are easily disrupted by weather, they require a fast, flexible source of backup power that…

Banning the safe, responsible use of hydraulic fracturing, a

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Twitter

Banning the safe, responsible use of hydraulic fracturing, as some candidates have proposed, is a policy stance out…

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