

November 30, 1999 | Filed Under: Twitter

RT @biggovt: Energy Independence: Frack We Must: As the price of oil shoots through the roof because of political instability… …


November 30, 1999 | Filed Under: Twitter

Must Read @WmsptSunGazette story on the #natgas industry’s “wave of generosity and compassion” – #ShaleGas #Marcellus


November 30, 1999 | Filed Under: Twitter

Lyco. Co @live_united “has seen increase in volunteerism, campaign participation through #natgas companies” #Marcellus


November 30, 1999 | Filed Under: Twitter

#MSC member Stallion Oilfield Services has partnered with the United Way “to assist the homeless in” Lyco. Co. –


November 30, 1999 | Filed Under: Twitter

Interesting @boonepickens op-ed in @chicagotribune: “Rev up the tapping of our own #natgas” – #ShaleGas #Marcellus


November 30, 1999 | Filed Under: Twitter

In an recent editorial, @HoustonChron urges policies that “balance #natgas export with domestic expansion” –


November 30, 1999 | Filed Under: Twitter

OH officials say area could see similar economic success from #shalegas development in central PA – @TimesRecorder:

Environmental Benefits of Advanced Oil and Gas Exploration and Production (Dept. of Energy)

October 5, 1999 | Filed Under: Resources, Studies, Reports & Presentations

Throughout the oil and gas life cycle, the industry has applied an array of advanced technologies to improve efficiency, productivity, …

Fact Sheet Title

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Uncategorized

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Uncategorized

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Uncategorized

Auto Draft

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Uncategorized

Auto Draft

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Uncategorized

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Uncategorized ENR_EditorialCalendar_2019Download

American Shale Gas Delivering Global Benefits

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Uncategorized

Increased development of our abundant shale gas resource has upended the domestic energy landscape, delivering savings to American families and …

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Uncategorized

Increased development of our abundant shale gas resource has upended the domestic energy landscape, delivering savings to American families and …

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Uncategorized

Welcome to the Gutenberg Editor

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Uncategorized

Of Mountains & Printing Presses The goal of this new editor is to make adding rich content to WordPress simple …

MSC Testimony Before the U.S. EPA’s Proposed Methane Rule

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Uncategorized

Report Confirms F

January 1, 1970 | Filed Under: Uncategorized

A new report from the Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) confirms shale development has not negatively impacted water quality. This …

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