PennLive ran a letter to the editor on January 13 riddled with false claims surrounding wastewater pipelines regulations and the overall safety of our industry. MSC response here and copied below:

Energy Industry Operations Strongly Regulated in PA

In a disappointing attempt to spread misinformation, the letter published Jan. 13 falsely claims that pipelines operating in Pennsylvania do so without proper oversight or environmental safeguards. The writer’s false narrative is centered on claims from more than two decades ago and mischaracterizes Pennsylvania’s strong and effective regulations – not to mention operators’ best practices – which protect our communities and environment.

Pipelines require a multitude of permits and authorizations, from moving dirt during construction to crossing waterways. Produced water pipelines – which reduce truck traffic and emissions while improving community safety and encouraging water recycling and conservation – are subject to environmental protection laws, undergo routine inspections and are held to rigorous industry standards. Further, Pennsylvania law prohibits any wastewater, whether treated or untreated, from being discharged into the state’s waterways.

The writer also ignores the industry’s leadership in water stewardship and protection. Over 93% of natural gas-related water is recycled and reused in Pennsylvania. These pioneering recycling efforts minimize the need for disposal while conserving freshwater.

Our industry is proud of its commitment to protecting our environment and communities while supporting family-sustaining jobs and helping to provide the affordable and reliable energy resources we depend on each day.

Patrick Henderson 
