Terms and Cancellation Policy

A welcoming environment and participant safety are at the forefront of the SHALE INSIGHT® 2025 Conference (Event) experience whether conducted in-person or virtually. The Marcellus Shale Coalition (MSC) and Event personnel will not tolerate disrespectful, disruptive, or other unacceptable behavior by any attendee or other participant, as determined solely by the MSC. Should any behavior or concerns arise, please report it to Event staff, security, or registration personnel. The MSC may act as deemed appropriate including expulsion from the Event without warning or refund. The MSC reserves the right to deny registration and/or entrance to the Event by any individual or group.

The Event venue will be operated in accordance with the guidelines of the Erie County Convention Center Authority and in accordance with requirements and/or guidance from federal, state and county health officials.

The safety of Event participants is of paramount importance.  Accordingly, the MSC has adopted certain security measures and requests your cooperation.

The Erie County Convention Center Authority (ECCCA) prohibits the presence of all weapons at its facilities and on its premises, which includes the following: firearms, stun guns, handcuffs, sticks, clubs, knives, metal knuckles, martial arts instruments, tear gas, pepper spray, bombs or explosive devices, or any other device or object that is intended to inflict serious bodily injury.  The MSC adopts and will enforce this policy.

Walk through Magnetometers may be used at all points of entry along with secondary magnetometer wand and bag searches. Attempts to avoid the magnetometers will result in expulsion from the Event.  If you have a medical condition that could be adversely affected by the magnetometers, please advise security personnel and alternate arrangements will be made.  Magnetometer wand and bag searches may be used at points of entry or other locations.

By registering for SHALE INSIGHT®, you acknowledge that you may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 or other infectious disease by attending SHALE INSIGHT® and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. You acknowledge and understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected at SHALE INSIGHT® may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of yourself and others, including, but not limited to, MSC employees, volunteers, and program participants and their families.

By registering for SHALE INSIGHT® you covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless SHALE INSIGHT®, the MSC and its employees, agents, and representatives, of any and all Claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs, or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto.  You acknowledge and agree that this release includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of SHALE INSIGHT® participants or the MSC, its employees, agents, and representatives.

Photography, audio/visual recording, downloading or other electronic recording of the program content is not permitted at SHALE INSIGHT® without advanced written approval by the MSC. Attendees hereby grant to the MSC, its assigns, and its legal representatives, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use, record, and photograph me or my likeness and voice for the purpose of the Event, and any related activities, promotion, exhibition, distribution, or use otherwise, and for all other editorial purposes, in any manner and medium worldwide in perpetuity without limitation; to alter or adapt the same without restrictions; and to allow the copyright of the same. Attendees hereby release the MSC, its employees, agents, representatives, assigns, legal successors, and all others, including their heirs from all claims and liability relating to me or my participation in the Event, and hereby waive any rights, title, and interest, including compensation or ownership, for all matters relating herein. Approval requests and inquiries should be directed to Robert Petrilli, Vice President, Finance, Administration & Events at  rpeterilli@marcelluscoalition.org.

Cancellation Policy | Registration

Cancellations must be by written request, received and acknowledged in writing from conference management by August 22, 2025.  An administrative fee of $100 per registration will be deducted from the refunded amount.  No refunds will be made after August 22, 2025. Registration substitutions may be made by another representative of the same organization if a written request, with the registration number of the original registration, is received and acknowledged in writing from conference management by September 2, 2025. To ensure requests are accommodated properly, registration changes cannot be accepted by telephone. Please direct all requests to nburdine@marcelluscoalition.org.

By registering for SHALE INSIGHT®, you acknowledge and understand the unique and precarious nature that the COVID-19 pandemic poses to Conference participants, speakers, staff and other programming elements including on-line delivery and voluntarily assume the risk of not being able to participate or that programming including speakers may be changed, or that your experience in connection with your attendance at SHALE INSIGHT® may differ from your expectations due to COVID-19 related changes.

Cancellation Policy | Exhibitors

All cancellations of Exhibit Space must be received in writing by the MSC prior to July 18, 2025, for the Exhibitor to be eligible for a 50% refund. Cancellation refunds after Friday, July 18, 2025, for Event exhibiting will only be permitted in the case of the overall cancellation of SHALE INSIGHT®. By exhibiting at SHALE INSIGHT®, you acknowledge and understand the unique and precarious nature that the COVID-19 pandemic poses to Conference participants, speakers, staff and other programming elements including on-line delivery and voluntarily assume the risk of not being able to participate or that programming including speakers may be changed, or that your experience or incur in connection with your attendance at SHALE INSIGHT® may differ from your expectation due to COVID-19 related changes.