Thanks to energy development, “we have more individuals appl
Thanks to energy development, “we have more individuals applying for apprenticeships than we’ve ever had,” presiden…
RT @usnews: The U.S. is set to become the world’s biggest
RT @usnews: The U.S. is set to become the world’s biggest provider of liquefied natural gas.
Additional Energy Taxes a “Gut Punch” to Pa. Families ht
Additional Energy Taxes a “Gut Punch” to Pa. Families
RT @axios: Natural gas was the fastest-growing energy source
RT @axios: Natural gas was the fastest-growing energy source in the world last year — when global energy consumption rose …
RT @IEA: After another record year, global demand for natura
RT @IEA: After another record year, global demand for natural gas is set to keep growing over the next 5 …
U.S. On Track to Become Top Natural Gas Exporter https://t.c
U.S. On Track to Become Top Natural Gas Exporter 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
📈 Check out this chart of annual U.S. natural gas product
📈 Check out this chart of annual U.S. natural gas production by state from 1967-2018 from @AEI: 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
RT @VFWHQ: Today we commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Da
RT @VFWHQ: Today we commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day. May we never forget the bravery and heroism displayed that …
“Pipelines Mean Jobs”: Leading Labor Unions Urge Elected
“Pipelines Mean Jobs”: Leading Labor Unions Urge Elected Officials to Support Energy Jobs & Infrastructure…
According to @EIAgov, “essentially all (99%) hydrocarbon pro
According to @EIAgov, “essentially all (99%) hydrocarbon production from the Marcellus Shale has been from horizont…
RT @EIAgov: #TodayInEnergy – Horizontally drilled wells domi
RT @EIAgov: #TodayInEnergy – Horizontally drilled wells dominate U.S. tight formation production #oil and #naturalg…
“Pipelines Mean Jobs”: Leading Labor Unions Urge Elected
“Pipelines Mean Jobs”: Leading Labor Unions Urge Elected Officials to Support Energy Jobs & Infrastructure…
RT @AmericanLegion: I have full confidence in your courage,
RT @AmericanLegion: I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle. We will accept nothing …
Gov. Wolf’s plan for additional energy taxes “will be a gut
Gov. Wolf’s plan for additional energy taxes “will be a gut punch to hardworking families and small businesses acro…
The avg. annual income students who graduate with a degree i
The avg. annual income students who graduate with a degree in petroleum engineering is $170k/year, according to…
Commemorating World War II, 75 Years After D-Day https://t.c
Commemorating World War II, 75 Years After D-Day #DDay75
Subsidies of one kind or another only work to distort invest
Subsidies of one kind or another only work to distort investment signals & stymie development of innovative technol…
As the hot months linger, it will be natural gas that is lea
As the hot months linger, it will be natural gas that is leaned on most to supply the electricity that …
The new $500 million natural gas plant will create 1,200 con
The new $500 million natural gas plant will create 1,200 construction jobs.
RT @CabotOG: Abundant Appalachian #naturalgas supplies have
RT @CabotOG: Abundant Appalachian #naturalgas supplies have revolutionized Pennsylvania power mix. Learn more from @EIAgov…