Dear Editor:

Theresa Myers’ recent column (“Surfing the Marcellus fracking wave,” Dec. 7) paints a picture of what she believes is needed to ensure that shale gas is produced safely.

The fact of the matter is we are doing it right in Pennsylvania, where tightly regulated shale development continues to be a powerful job-creating engine for our region and nation, all while protecting and enhancing our environment.

Indeed, the advance planning and environmental stewardship that Ms. Myers calls for are standard operating procedure across our industry. Through recommended practices, strict regulations and improving technology, our industry is producing this clean-burning fuel source more safely than ever. More and more water is being recycled; roads are not just repaired, but greatly improved; emergency preparedness training is ongoing; and site restoration practices are advancing all the time.

Your readers should also know that our industry has paid $28.5 million to the Marcellus Legacy Fund, as part of more than $406 million in impact fees over two years, to protect and grow communities across the commonwealth. The fund enhances trails, greenways and watersheds, to name only a few benefits.

And it’s worth noting that the only sites chosen for exploration are those we can safely develop and restore to a level that enhances local habitat.

I invite Ms. Myers to continue to learn more about the work of our industry across the commonwealth to protect our environment, lower energy bills and strengthen national security.

Steve Forde
Vice President, Policy and Communications
Marcellus Shale Coalition

NOTE: Click HERE to view this letter online.