Components of the multi-billion @Shell_PAChem facility under
Components of the multi-billion @Shell_PAChem facility under construction float by barge up the Ohio River.…
“The United States has surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia as
“The United States has surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia as the world’s biggest oil producer,” @Reuters reports.…
We agree @RepMcKinley: “Now is the time to build the Appalac
We agree @RepMcKinley: “Now is the time to build the Appalachian Storage Hub” #NatGasWorks
RT @WSJopinion: How America broke OPEC:
RT @WSJopinion: How America broke OPEC: via @WSJOpinion
No. 9 of the 12 Days of Natural Gas Benefits: We’re proud of
No. 9 of the 12 Days of Natural Gas Benefits: We’re proud of our industry’s deep and growing partnership with …
.@WSJopinion: “America owes its new energy prosperity to ind
.@WSJopinion: “America owes its new energy prosperity to industry innovation, private property, and the free market…
No. 10 of 12 Days of Natural Gas Benefits ➡️➡️ Pa.’s
No. 10 of 12 Days of Natural Gas Benefits ➡️➡️ Pa.’s #natgas impact fee – tax – revenues directly benefit …
12 Days of Natural Gas Benefits: With #natgas, Pennsylvanian
12 Days of Natural Gas Benefits: With #natgas, Pennsylvanians are realizing meaningful home energy savings, especia…
FACT: The U.S. continued to lead the world in reducing green
FACT: The U.S. continued to lead the world in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in 2017, according to recently rele…
Commissioners “credited the help of Act 13,” Pa.’s tax on na
Commissioners “credited the help of Act 13,” Pa.’s tax on natural gas, “which provides money from the natural gas i… …
“Our members are consistently investing in new technology, a
“Our members are consistently investing in new technology, as well as sharing and implementing best practices aimed…
RT @WashTimesOpEd: Gen. James “Spider” Marks: “We must prior
RT @WashTimesOpEd: Gen. James “Spider” Marks: “We must prioritize the safe completion of pipeline projects currently underway and welcome f…
.@WashTimes column: “In order to realize America’s full en
.@WashTimes column: “In order to realize America’s full energy potential both here and overseas for our partners, o…
We’re kicking off the 12 Days of Natural Gas Benefits with a
We’re kicking off the 12 Days of Natural Gas Benefits with a look at the clean air progress achieved thanks …
“It would be prudent for DEP to delay any regulatory proposa
“It would be prudent for DEP to delay any regulatory proposals until federal rules are finalized,” @MarcellusGas’ S…
With the help of Pa.’s #natgas impact tax revenues, Greene C
With the help of Pa.’s #natgas impact tax revenues, Greene Co. hasn’t “raised taxes in 11 years,” Commissioner Zimm…
“Rather than creating more regulatory uncertainty, it would
“Rather than creating more regulatory uncertainty, it would be prudent for DEP to delay any regulatory proposals un…
New natural gas pipeline “an absolute necessity” for economi
New natural gas pipeline “an absolute necessity” for economic development.
“We do have initial concerns” with @PennsylvaniaDEP’s regula
“We do have initial concerns” with @PennsylvaniaDEP’s regulatory action today involving “potential costs as well as…
Union workers constructing @Shell_PAChem’s plant joined the
Union workers constructing @Shell_PAChem’s plant joined the company and “donated 300 toys and tens-of-thousands of…