“The rise of natural gas in Pennsylvania is improving air qu
“The rise of natural gas in Pennsylvania is improving air quality and public health, and exceeded the 2025 Paris Cl… …
📺 “Jobs are very essential to the area.” Another great st
📺 “Jobs are very essential to the area.” Another great story about American natural gas growing even more regional…
RT @CabotOG: Cabot was happy to support the livestock auctio
RT @CabotOG: Cabot was happy to support the livestock auction at the @FarmShowComplex today! We were excited to bid on …
Take a deep dive into the Environmental Rights Amendment wit
Take a deep dive into the Environmental Rights Amendment with top industry legal experts and regulatory officials d…
.@CarnegieMellon researchers: “The U.S. has already come qui
.@CarnegieMellon researchers: “The U.S. has already come quite far in reducing carbon dioxide emissions.” Natural g…
API’s Mike Sommers cites @Shell_PAChem in opening #SOAE201
API’s Mike Sommers cites @Shell_PAChem in opening #SOAE2019 address. One local Beaver Co. community member said “ki…
FACT: The U.S. is now the world’s top producer of oil &
FACT: The U.S. is now the world’s top producer of oil & natural gas, with an additional benefit in the …
Thanks to clean, locally produced #natgas, Pa. is achieving
Thanks to clean, locally produced #natgas, Pa. is achieving meaningful climate progress. #natgasworks
RT @EIDAppalachian: “Maryland’s top environmental regulato
RT @EIDAppalachian: “Maryland’s top environmental regulator said early last year that the opponents’ ‘goal is block any pipeline’ and that…
RT @ENERGY: 2018 was a big year for natural gas. Prices, pro
RT @ENERGY: 2018 was a big year for natural gas. Prices, production, consumption, and exports were all UP🔺 compared to …
“Chiefly important among shale’s numerous benefits to rural
“Chiefly important among shale’s numerous benefits to rural Pennsylvania is its role in preserving open space and s…
RT @HeraldStar: The shale gas industry’s impact on the Ste
RT @HeraldStar: The shale gas industry’s impact on the Steubenville-Weirton metropolitan area is expanding.
“Driven by increases in the Appalachian Basin,” @EIAgov “exp
“Driven by increases in the Appalachian Basin,” @EIAgov “expects that U.S. natural gas production will have reached…
MarkWest Energy Partners donated 20 hams to the Fort Cherry
MarkWest Energy Partners donated 20 hams to the Fort Cherry school pantry, a program that provides food to over 130… …
Thanks to increases in domestic #natgas production, “the Uni
Thanks to increases in domestic #natgas production, “the United States has posted the world’s largest annual drop i…
MSC in @HeraldMailNews: “Unnecessarily preventing more clean
MSC in @HeraldMailNews: “Unnecessarily preventing more clean-burning natural gas to meet the country’s growing ener…
“Drive by increases in the Appalachian Basin,” @EIAgov “expe
“Drive by increases in the Appalachian Basin,” @EIAgov “expects that U.S. natural gas production will have reached…
Tenaska’s new 940-megawatt natural gas power plant in Westmo
Tenaska’s new 940-megawatt natural gas power plant in Westmoreland Co. is capable of generating electricity to ~940…
The shale gas boom in the U.S. has led to the American energ
The shale gas boom in the U.S. has led to the American energy renaissance. #Fracking
By switching to locally produced #natgas, “farms would save
By switching to locally produced #natgas, “farms would save money in the long-run because it’s cheaper than other f…