Editor: In a rush to discount the importance of Pennsylvania’s natural gas industry — and the men and women who proudly work to bring us clean and reliable energy — the Citizens’ Voice Editorial Board conveniently disregards several key facts in suggesting Pennsylvania job creators have it better than Texas (“Gas industry boss protests too much,” Dec. 9).

On tax issues, the Citizens’ Voice ignores Texas’ lack of personal and corporate net income taxes and that the state allows an operator to receive a discount of up to 100% on its severance tax until capital investment costs are recovered. Pennsylvania also has the highest unconventional well permit fee in the country, which along with $6 million annually from the Impact Fee paid by unconventional operators, is the primary funding mechanism for the Department of Environmental Protection’s oil and gas program.

In terms of predictability, Texas issues permits within days, while Pennsylvania has perhaps the longest and most cumbersome permitting process in the nation. Basic earthmoving permits that are to be issued in 14 days routinely take over 200 days — one Pennsylvania operator who sought to renew a basic water recycling permit received it over 500 days after submission.

Despite these challenges and frustrations, Pennsylvania’s unconventional gas industry is extremely proud of the tens of billions of dollars it has contributed to our Commonwealth’s economy through taxes, fees, royalties, bonus payments and philanthropic efforts in the communities where we operate.

We are also proud to be the primary reason for significant improvements to air quality, billions of dollars in savings for consumers and a stronger, more secure nation. These are all facts that can be backed by data, while the Citizens’ Voice’s misleading comparisons merely serve as a hollow disservice to our neighbors and fellow Pennsylvanian’s who work hard each day to make the Commonwealth a better place to work and live.

David Callahan – President, Marcellus Shale Coalition

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