We’ve just celebrated Labor Day, and it’s important we take a moment to reflect on why we were able to celebrate the long weekend. The contributions and achievements of our workforce stand as a foundation of our everyday lives.

It’s also fitting to acknowledge not just the contributions of American workers but also the industries that sustain them. And in Pennsylvania, one sector stands out for its impact on careers: energy. The natural gas sector is integral to our state’s economy and has provided significant employment opportunities, transforming lives and revitalizing local communities across the state.

Pennsylvania stands at the forefront of energy production in the United States, thanks to its abundance of natural gas. This resource is not only a key driver of our state’s economy but also a critical component in supporting a wide range of labor-intensive industries.

Union jobs tied to the natural gas industry include a variety of skilled trades that are essential for its infrastructure and operations. Consider, boilermakers work at power plants, maintaining and constructing boilers that are critical for generating energy. Operating engineers are responsible for building and maintaining the pads and roads necessary for accessing drilling sites and supporting operations. Pipefitters play a crucial role in laying and maintaining pipelines that transport natural gas from extraction sites to distribution networks.

And what’s more, natural gas serves as both a fuel source and feedstock that tradespeople use daily, making it a cornerstone of economic activity and job creation. Tradespeople like electricians, welders and carpenters rely on equipment and tools powered by natural gas.

The energy sourced from the Marcellus Shale enables these professionals to perform their work efficiently and effectively. Without this energy, many projects would face significant delays or become economically unfeasible, which would, in turn, affect the local economy and employment rates.

To understand the impact, consider the numbers: According to the Marcellus Shale Coalition’s economic impact report, the natural gas industry contributed approximately ~$41 billion to Pennsylvania’s economy in 2022 alone. This sector supports over 123,000 jobs, with these positions having $97,000 as an average annual wage, which is 113% higher than the state average.

But the benefits of natural gas extend beyond just job creation. When energy companies invest to build well pads, pipeline infrastructure, and power generators, they generate economic activity that ripples throughout the community, creating a more competitive business market and enhancing overall community prosperity.

This is important to remember as we approach the upcoming election. Policies and decisions made by our elected officials impact both the energy sector and the labor force at large. The natural gas industry is at a critical juncture, and the stance that candidates take on energy development will shape the future of thousands of jobs across Pennsylvania. Supportive policies that foster responsible development help ensure that the benefits of natural gas continue to be realized by workers and communities alike.

Energy should be seen as a unifying objective rather than a point of division along political lines. The pursuit of reliable and affordable energy surpasses boundaries because it affects everyone — regardless of your political affiliation. Ensuring a secure energy future involves advancing technology, protecting the environment and strengthening economies, goals we all share. When we harness collective expertise and resources to drive innovation and enhance energy security, we promote a more resilient energy system for all.

The upcoming election provides a crucial opportunity for Pennsylvanians to voice their support for a balanced approach to energy and labor. We must hold our policymakers accountable and ensure they recognize the interconnectedness of these sectors. After all, by supporting policymakers that work to enhance this vital connection, we can help secure a future where Pennsylvania continues to lead in energy production while also fostering job creation and economic development.

The collaboration between Pennsylvania’s natural gas industry and its labor force is a testament to the strength and resilience of our state’s economy. As we reflect on the achievements of the past and look forward to the future, let’s commit to advocating for policies that support this crucial relationship. In doing so, we honor not only the hard work of tradespeople but also the broader economic impact of Pennsylvania’s energy sector.

David Callahan is president of the Marcellus Shale Coalition and Robert Bair is President of the PA State Building Trades.