The world faces a dual challenge of providing reliable, clean and affordable energy needed to advance modern society and quality of life, while working to ensure we meet these needs in a manner that is safe and environmentally responsible.

As our energy future continues to evolve, we are proud that our member companies and their local employees — the engineers, scientists, data analysts, conservationists, and environmental specialists — are advancing innovative solutions necessary for meeting today’s complex challenges.

While “‘keep it in the ground” activists and aligned politicians advance the polarizing, unrealistic policies of elimination, the pragmatic solutions are found in a diverse energy mix — with natural gas serving as the foundation of a cleaner, more reliable and affordable energy network.

Thanks to the shale revolution that unleashed an abundance of domestic natural gas, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions have seen a steep decline since 2005, “in large part because utilities that generate electricity have been shifting…in favor of cheaper and cleaner natural gas, wind and solar power,” The New York Times reported at the beginning of the year.

Emission declines alongside economic growth is an important trend, and one that continues to occur in Pennsylvania, the nation’s second largest natural gas producing state. As more locally produced natural gas is used in power generation, the commonwealth’s volatile organic compounds declined 40% between 2005-2018, and other pollutants like sulfur oxides (SOX) and nitrogen oxide (NOX) dropped 93% and 81% respectively, according to state Department of Environmental Protection data.