Pittsburgh, Pa. Marcellus Shale Coalition (MSC) president Dave Spigelmyer issued this statement following President Obama’s State of the Union Address:

“Tonight, President Obama once again underscored the critical and increasing role that America’s abundant, clean-burning natural gas resources continue to play in boosting our economy and growing jobs, especially in the manufacturing sector. At the same time, and as the President and his Administration have stated, the clear environmental benefits tied to safe shale development and the expanded use of natural gas cannot be denied.

“The President also laid out his vision for America’s role in the highly-interconnected global economy and what we must do to remain competitive. Affordable supplies of oil and natural gas, driven by tightly-regulated shale development, have catapulted America from a period of energy scarcity to a new and more prosperous era of energy abundance. And the results are clear: a plunging trade deficit, stronger geopolitical standing, cleaner air and significant consumer savings.

“Aside from the tens of thousands of good-paying jobs created by shale production and CO2 emissions being slashed as more natural gas is used to power our economy, the importance of this domestic resource is on national display right now. As so many Americans continue to face record-shattering cold temperatures, natural gas heats half of all U.S. homes.

“We appreciate the President’s steadfast commitment to the safe development of American natural gas. It’s a false choice to suggest that we can either produce natural gas and create jobs or protect and enhance our environment. Pennsylvania continues to lead the way in achieving both of these shared goals. We look forward to welcoming the President to the Commonwealth tomorrow, where he will see firsthand how shale production is boosting our regional economy and creating good manufacturing jobs here at home.”

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