As the U.S. natural gas industry is tasked with navigating increased demand and regional conflicts impacting global energy output, one thing is clear: A diverse energy mix is critical to a resilient, stable energy economy.

Despite recent claims from PennFuture President Patrick McDonnell, who wishes to ban domestic natural gas production in favor of costly, unproven and unreliable alternatives, Pennsylvania’s natural gas industry is, and will continue to be, pivotal to emission reductions and economic growth across Appalachia.

Let’s dive into the energy realities that the column completely ignores.

Pennsylvania is uniquely positioned to drive the global energy landscape, but it is imperative policymakers and key stakeholders fully understand and recognize the economic and environmental benefits that robust natural gas production and utilization generates.

Our recent economic impact report outlines how the natural gas industry is a catalyst for job growth, creating over 120,000 jobs across the state. These are family-sustaining, stable careers for Pennsylvanians fostering a skilled workforce that, without a vibrant local energy economy, would be looking for employment in neighboring states.

Importantly, natural gas is driving these economic gains locally, while contributing to America’s energy supply and simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Recent EIA data highlights that natural gas reduced emissions by 33.5% (167 MMT CO2) more than other non-carbon fuel sources in 2022 alone. Even further, compared to 2005 levels, sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, and carbon dioxide emissions have fallen 93%, 81%, and 41%, respectively—all while Pennsylvania significantly boosted natural gas production, becoming the 2nd largest producer in the U.S.

In 2023, Pennsylvania accounted for 20% of total U.S. natural gas output, producing nearly 7.5 trillion cubic feet. This domestic natural gas production not only ensures safe, reliable, and affordable energy for the Commonwealth’s nearly 13 million residents, but also supports numerous state and American allies. Pennsylvania is the largest exporter of electricity in the U.S.—meaning that states across the Northeast rely on Pennsylvanian-produced natural gas.

As we enter 2024, the role of natural gas in shaping Pennsylvania and America’s energy future will be more prevalent than ever before. The 2024 political landscape will exacerbate partisan narratives that ignore the reality that communities across the state understand—natural gas is critical to creating family-sustaining jobs, investing in infrastructure modernization, and, more broadly, ensuring American energy security.

Pennsylvania is leading America’s energy future with stable, secure natural gas production, and it is essential that the resource and the critical supply chain powering our lives are protected. Public policies must focus on investing in an all-of-the-above energy approach, rather than eliminating affordable fuel sources from our energy strategy in favor of pursuing unrealistic and unreliable options that put our communities at risk.

The fact remains—natural gas is key to supporting a prosperous and diverse workforce, strengthening our nation’s economy and security, and building upon the significant environmental progress made over the past decade.