With the holiday season upon us, Pennsylvania’s natural gas industry has a list – and checked it twice! – to sustain the incredible economic, environmental and national security benefits natural gas provides into 2024 and beyond.

Here’s what’s on our Christmas Wish List:

#1 Permitting Reform

It is no surprise that permitting reform tops the list. A broken permitting process has restricted access to reliable and affordable energy, as anti-energy groups and radical politicians have weaponized laws to block critical energy projects, including natural gas pipelines, gas-powered generation facilities and more. The lack of predictable state and federal permitting processes has led to countless missed economic development opportunities, held back natural gas output, impacted consumers, and impacted environmental progress associated with increased use of natural gas.

Bipartisan action is needed to create predictable and workable permitting systems that support economy-wide advancements in transportation, manufacturing, and energy. PA Representative Jonathan Fritz said it best, “Businesses need predictability and stability. Investors demand certainty and a level playing field.” Pennsylvania deserves policies that encourage economic growth, support good-paying jobs, and boosts domestic energy production.

Read more: Experts to Senate Energy Committee – Permit Delays Strain Grid Reliability

#2 More Energy Infrastructure

This goes hand-in-hand with wish #1: Infrastructure development is critical to our industry and connecting consumers down the street and across the globe with clean, American-produced natural gas. Pennsylvania is the nation’s second largest natural gas producing state, but we are limited in our ability to move gas to market with pipelines at maximum capacity. As we enter 2024, investing in additional infrastructure will provide a reliable, clean energy source to areas like New England, which relies on natural gas imports from other countries.

Pennsylvania is home to the cleanest and most reliable source of energy available, and we have the opportunity to share this resource with the world by expanding our liquefied natural gas export capabilities while creating jobs and boosting state and local economies. 2023 saw the beginnings of a proposed Philadelphia liquified natural gas (LNG) export terminal advance. Industry experts, public officials and business leaders analyzed the impact of expanding export opportunities along the east coast. The conclusion? Pennsylvania could be home to an additional 7,000 jobs annually, with ~ $575.35 million in labor income added to the state and local economy but only if policymakers back the development of this terminal.

“Our abundant natural gas resources not only fuel economic growth within the Commonwealth but also offer us a unique opportunity to meet growing energy demand across the globe, while creating tens of thousands of jobs and generating billions of dollars in yearly economic activity that can benefit communities in the Southeast region,” said Philadelphia LNG Export Task Force Chair, Representative Martina White.

Read more: Infrastructure Blockades Must End

#3 Public & Private Collaboration

An industry made up of scientists, engineers and blue-collar workers alike, we understand the importance of collaboration in the success of our state. We’re hopeful that 2024 is filled with both public and private collaborations, like the job training programs taking place at Lackawanna County’s School of Petroleum & Natural Gas or Pennsylvania College of Technology. We are an industry that believes are successes are intertwined with our communities.

Notably, Pennsylvania became the only state in the country to receive funding for two hydrogen hub projects awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This presents a unique opportunity for our industry to partner with the building trades as well as local governmental bodies to realize the economic opportunities that natural gas provides.

“[This] has the potential to revolutionize the nation’s energy sector and make Pennsylvania a leader in clean energy development while driving economic growth and creating good-paying union jobs. By leveraging our infrastructure and expanding it strategically, we can accelerate the adoption of state-of-the-art hydrogen technology that provides countless new job opportunities and paves the way for a more sustainable, greener future,” said Steamfitters 420’s Jim Snell.

Read more: PA Scores Big in Hydrogen Hub Competition

#4 Energy Security

Experts across the energy value chain agree—increased domestic natural gas production is essential to a more energy secure America. Natural gas is an important energy source for heat, industrial applications and electric power generation. A balanced electric system with plentiful natural gas is critical to our energy security. Natural gas has the flexibility and capacity to generate around-the-clock power and fill in for intermitting sources of power.

Natural gas remains the nation’s most reliable source of energy available, with the ability to provide clean, abundant, affordable energy. The state’s robust natural gas production contributes substantially to the national energy landscape, and further expanding Pennsylvania’s production, will enhance not just our energy security, but our national security.

By prioritizing and investing in natural gas production across Appalachia, the U.S. will create a more diverse energy portfolio. This would not only ensure a stable and affordable energy supply chain for American households and business, but also expand our nation’s export capacity—providing needed aid to our allies abroad.

With strategic investment in domestic output, Pennsylvania will substantially drive America’s energy future.

Read more: Reliable, Resilient Electricity Found in Pennsylvania Natural Gas

#5 Reducing Energy Poverty

At an LNG Taskforce Hearing this year, EQT CEO, Toby Rice, noted that across the globe many are still reliant on fuel sources that have negative health impacts, stating, “Air pollution kills over 3.2 million people around the world…People that are using wood and manure to cook their meals. Natural gas would replace that.”

This should never be the case. Pennsylvania has the opportunity to use natural gas to propel not just the state and country forward, but the entire world. As we look ahead at America’s energy strategy, we must invest in natural gas, infrastructure and export facilities so that we can realize a healthy economy and a clean environment for all.

Natural gas continues to lead the charge for providing safe, reliable, sustainable and affordable energy for our consumers and as we enter 2024, we enter with continued dedication to developing this critical fuel for decades to come.