Another year of SHALE INSIGHT™ is in the books. This week, about 1,000 people gathered in Pittsburgh to join the eighth annual conference that included engaging keynote addresses from top government officials and business leaders, as well as dozens of exhibits featuring the latest research and innovations. Insightful panel discussions led by industry leaders and experts centered on critical energy issues, from cybersecurity to pipeline expansion, regulations and energy independence.

SHALE INSIGHT™ 2018 provided a key opportunity to connect, learn and grow as an industry committed to delivering economic growth and environmental progress across the tri-state region through the responsible development of our abundant Marcellus and Utica shale gas resources.

The media was buzzing about the three-day event – here’s a brief look at what they had to say:

Former NSA director: Shale gas boom has boosted national security

Admiral Michael Rogers – former director of the National Security Agency and commander of the U.S. Cyber Command – closed the Shale Insight Conference by looking at the shale boom from his perch: national security. “Watching what you have created, the strategic flexibility it has given this nation, is something that is really amazing.” The industry is moving the country toward energy independence, he said. (10/25/18).

Afternoon News with Robert Mangino – SHALE INSIGHT with David Spigelmyer

Spigelmyer: “SHALE INSIGHT gives us an opportunity to shine a light on the extraordinary opportunity that’s being brought to western Pa. as a result of the affordable and abundant natural gas that we’re producing in the Marcellus and Utica shale region… I would tell you that we’re in the early innings of a long innings game- this is a multigenerational play.”  (10/24/18)

Pipelines to Prosperity discussed at Shale Insight 2018 in Pittsburgh

[Dominion Energy’s Brian Sheppard] emphasized the importance of the industry focusing on public outreach in order to demonstrate the number of jobs created, investment drawn in and tax revenue generated for local communities. “We’ve been a quiet industry,” he said. “We usually fly under the radar, but the environment is changing. We have to tell our story. We have a good story to tell.” (10/24/18)

Andrew Wheeler to oil and gas industry: Trump’s ‘new EPA’ will remove barriers

On Wednesday, the acting EPA administrator returned to the region to kick off the Marcellus Shale Coalition’s annual Shale Insight conference. [Wheeler’s] message to the crowd was clear: “The New EPA” — that was the title of his talk — is “removing regulatory barriers and leveling the playing field for American companies.” (10/24/18)

New pipelines, markets driving Appalachian production growth

The buildout of interstate pipelines to take gas out of the Appalachian region has driven production increases and will lead to the continued expansion of the Utica Shale, the leader of producer Ascent Resources said at the Shale Insight conference in Pittsburgh. … “The other big market that’s expanding is power generation,” Fisher said. “In the Appalachian Basin alone there’s about 30 new power plants either online or commissioned to be built in the next six to 12 months.” (10/25/18)

Gas industry strives to tell its story to the general public

The tri-state’s Marcellus and Utica shale basin are already the third-largest supply of natural gas in the world, producing 29 billion cubic feet every day. “We have only scratched the surface,” said Andreè Griffin, XTO Energy’s VP of geology and geophysics. She said output will grow as drillers get more efficient and faster as well as shrinking their footprint. “With production numbers like what we’re seeing in the Marcellus and the Utica coming on, we can fill any pipeline capacity that becomes available to us.” (10/24/18)