Increased development of our abundant shale gas resource has upended the domestic energy landscape, delivering savings to American families and enhancing national security, and its impacts are being felt globally as well. Thanks in large part to natural gas, the global population without access to electricity fell below 1 billion last year, according to new data from the

International Energy Administration . This is great news – energy opens the door to education, to sanitation and health care, and ending energy poverty paves an economic pathway to better support families. American energy supplies will be critical in meeting growing international demand, according to Frank Fannon, Assistant Secretary for the State Department’s Bureau of Energy Resources. This finding was recently reaffirmed by Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, as he touted America’s energy dominance and noted that exporting U.S. natural gas is like delivering “freedom to the world”. This transition to America becoming a net exporter of energy occurred thanks to increased production, greater capacity, and further investment in liquified natural gas export terminals, Dr. James Conca recently wrote:As the world’s largest producer of natural gas, the United States is helping spread access to affordable, reliable energy around the world.