Hydraulic fracturing – a more than 60 year old well completion process – is critical in the safe development of job-creating American natural gas. We certainly recognize that many questions about this tightly-regulated process exist, but our industry – along with a host of strong regulations – is committed to transparency and operational excellence, all aimed at protecting our environment. For example, Marcellus Shale Coalition member companies disclose fracturing fluids on a well-by-well basis through FracFocus, national online registry administered by environmental regulators – even before this was required by the state.
FracFocus is also supported by the Obama Administration. This from E&E News:

  • President Obama’s top energy adviser today endorsed FracFocus.org, the industry’s favored way of disclosing hydraulic fracturing chemicals, as the best method of disclosure for the Bureau of Land Management and other agencies. “As an administration, we believe that FracFocus is an important tool that provides transparency to the American people,” Heather Zichal, deputy assistant to the president for energy and climate change.

And for those interested in seeing how the fracturing process works, click here and here to view educational videos.