Protecting and enhancing our environment is paramount to this industry. It falls in line with the Marcellus Shale Coalition’s (MSC) Guiding Principle to implement state-of-the-art environmental protection across our operations; and further, we aim to encourage spirited public dialogue and fact-based education about responsible shale gas development. Pennsylvania’s extensive regulatory system, with which our operators comply through every step of the process, also ensures that our environment—water, air and land—and public health and safety are protected.
Here are some facts:
- Each Marcellus Shale well has at least four layers of steel and cement that encase the well, which serves as a barrier to prevent the fracturing fluid and natural gas from intersecting with potable aquifers.
- Prior to a natural gas well being developed, operators are required to test all water wells and surface waters within 2,500 feet of a proposed well site. These test results serve as a baseline in the event a homeowner believes their water may have been impacted by natural gas development.
- Tests are conducted in accordance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards and the results are shared with the individual homeowner and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
This MSC fact sheet provides an overview of the forward-leaning regulatory framework that ensures the protection of water resources and the environment.
Without question, the greater Philadelphia region is well-positioned to leverage the Marcellus Shale’s abundant, domestic, clean-burning natural gas resources to power the region and the whole state.