Pennsylvania has an aggressive, modernized regulatory framework aimed at ensuring that natural gas production occurs in way that protects our environment, especially our water resources. In addition to the strict environmental regulations in the place in Pennsylvania that protect groundwater resources, the MSC has released several Recommended Practices on this subject, including Pre-Drill Water Supply Surveys and Responding to Stray Gas Incidents.

Protecting our environment, especially our water resources, is a top industry priority. You should know that Pennsylvania, according to former Gov. Ed Rendell, has “the strongest enforcement program of any state with gas drilling. Period.” He’s absolutely right.

And top officials from across the nation, including President Obama’s former EPA administrator, Lisa Jackson, have confirmed time and again that hydraulic fracturing has never impacted groundwater. Click here to view to learn more about how groundwater resources are protected.

And to learn more about Pennsylvania’s longstanding, historic groundwater challenges — which pre-date Marcellus development — click here and here.