That really depends on a host of factors, principally supply and demand. Thankfully, as you may know, Pennsylvania is a water-rich state. And while the safe development of clean-burning natural gas from the Marcellus Shale is a water-intensive process, it’s also a process that is tightly-regulated, particularly as it relates to water management. State and regional regulatory bodies, including the Pa. DEP and the Susquehanna River Basin Commission, closely regulated water levels and withdrawals for the purposes of shale gas development.
More info here from Penn State:
DEP requires an approved water management plan in connection with the gas well permit to cover the water sources used for fracturing each Marcellus shale gas well in the Commonwealth. A water management plan includes information about the sources of water to be used in the fracking process, expected impacts of withdrawals on water resources, and proof of approval by the appropriate river basin commission, among other items.
Please click here to learn how responsible natural gas development is being balanced with the health of our key rivers.