Our state government and the region’s natural gas industry continue to work collaboratively to ensure that the concerns and needs of local communities across the Commonwealth are effectively addressed. In addition to the more than $1.7 billion in state revenue that the natural gas industry has generated since 2006 in Pennsylvania, the recently enacted natural gas impact fee has generated $400 million for the Commonwealth, much of which goes directly back into the communities where development is taking place.

Many MSC members have targeted contributions toward educational efforts, including scholarships and mentoring programs. MSC member companies are also working with local universities and technical schools to attract local students to careers in the energy industry and develop the most effective curricula to help ensure those students “job-ready” upon graduation. A key tenet of our Guiding Principles is “to attract and retain a talented and engaged local workforce.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer highlights these contributions, noting, “The Marcellus Shale Coalition, the natural gas industry trade group, has chipped in $15,000 for scholarships” to the Community College of Philadelphia’s Energy Training Center.