It is dangerously misleading to ignore the fact that even higher energy taxes jeopardize jobs (“How Pa. can get severance tax right,” Aug. 2). Responsible shale development is driving a petrochemical rebirth, specifically at Marcus Hook. Sunoco Logistics’ Mariner East 2 pipeline is expected to support an estimated 30,000 construction jobs, generate nearly $62 million in tax revenues, and provide $4.2 billion in economic activity.

In addition to the more than $2.3 billion in taxes paid by the natural gas industry since 2008, Pennsylvania imposes a shale-gas impact tax that’s generated more than $850 million since 2011 for communities throughout the commonwealth.

We need tax policies that encourage responsible shale development and expanded natural gas uses, not policies that squander opportunity.

Erica Clayton Wright
Marcellus Shale Coalition

NOTE: Click HERE to view this letter online.